exterior renovations


by the Artist

I sat eating my lunch on the back deck today here at Applewood. It's beautiful out. Almost unbearably beautiful. I was taking a break from working on design concepts for an exterior renovation project we are bidding on. 

Music was wafting out of the cabinet shop where our Lead carpenter is building a custom bath vanity for one of our current bath remodels. Farther out I caught bits of conversation and laughter amidst the steady thump of wood being stacked. A group of our nieces and nephews came over today to help the Carpenter stack wood he had split for this coming winter. Yes I said that word!

It was a nice to be surrounded by activity. It's usually just me and the Snack Manager. Alone. I spend hours sitting in my "dormer" office working away in solitude. I'm okay with solitude. It was just fun today having more energy around here. 

And well.. it inspired this post. Life is good.

Bidding on high.

by the Artist

Last week the Carpenter and I headed to a home, to take photos and measurements for a large exterior renovation project we are bidding on. We call these larger whole house exterior projects "Second Acts". http://www.applewoodremodelers.com/second-act-1/ We love this type of work for different reasons.

The photos I took will be used to layout some design ideas to show the homeowners. The Carpenter went to look more closely at all aspects of the exterior, as well as take measurements for his bid. In the photo above, I caught the Carpenter deep in thought up on the roof. I'm always surprised how relaxed he is up high. 

The Carpenter favors working with the existing conditions of an older home. Problem solving what is revealed during the project, figuring out how to fit new materials and design into "old". He says it's like working a puzzle. He makes the renovation work.

I enjoy the challenge of designing the "before" to become a beautiful "after". I watch my share of home improvement shows. Actually we started watching "This Old House" before HGTV was even a glimmer in a producers eye. I make the design work.

We've both learned a lot over the years. A lot. How to renovate to current market standards without breaking the bank, and still maintain quality craftsmanship. There is an art to that. 

And we're off to another busy week. 

Here's to hoping you have a good week too.