Modern Farmhouse Project

Lofty goals.

by the Artist

Well here we are on the downside to the holidays. Are you ready? I'm not. I have really enjoyed our long fall this year. The Carpenter has too. But as usually happens projects have been inside since spring and now as we head towards cold and snow, the crew will be heading outside! Do you remember when we started the Modern Farmhouse Project in the dead of winter last year? Not only was it bitter cold but also bitterly windy as the crew faced the winds off the lake. Here we go again. Makes me want to curl up with a cup of coffee and a good book.

We continue to look for carpenters to add to our crew. One thing that has struck me... over the years we've heard comments... "you guys have high standards." I used to almost feel bad about that. Then I had this thought... not once has a homeowner complained that our work is too excellent for their home. Our standards are too high. Most of our homeowners are so pleased to find a company that strives for excellence. We don't only strive... we meet that goal. And we will continue to meet that goal. In this world of mediocrity and compromise we stand out. 

If you are a carpenter and value excellent workmanship please give us a shout. We would love to meet you! There aren't enough carpenters who really care about the details, about not hiding mistakes, about giving their best effort every single day, and who believe in the art of the craft.

We know you are out there... 



by the Artist

We are in the between time. Just wrapped up the Modern Farmhouse Project. Starting a couple new projects. And in between we take care of the little jobs that have been on the wait list as we gear up and get into the groove with the new projects. 

It all works out. A balancing act for sure. This week as the Carpenter and I looked at the white board to schedule out the week.. I had to write a bunch of question marks. Between times don't go in a straight line. They are fluid. We have to be flexible. Rather.. I have to be flexible. I like plans and orderliness. I'm not good with changing plans or not even making a plan. No. Not for me.

I did take the time yesterday to head over to our completed Modern Farmhouse Project to take some final photos. Wow. I hadn't been there in awhile. Seeing it totally finished was amazing. What a contrast from what it used to look like. It must feel like living in a brand new house to the homeowners. It would feel that way to me. 

Here are some photos I captured yesterday. The house really turned out lovely. So simple and sleek. So fresh. I think you will agree. I've also attached some "before" photos just so you can see how transformed the house is!

Second Act.

by the Artist

It's gonna be good!

We're on the home stretch at the Modern Farmhouse Project. When I look back at the start of the project it was bitter cold. The crew had to clear the snow to work. Seems like a long time ago as I sit here feeling the warm breeze coming in through the window. It is hard to imagine how winter could be so cold and how a home could look so different in really a short space of time. The cold and white is gone, and so is the old stucco, the old windows, two old fireplaces, old lighting, old hip roof details, and old rot. Along with warm breezes has come new windows and doors, a revamped roof silhouette, lighting, a more spacious kitchen (with the demise of an old gas fireplace) and more expansive views of the lake. And of course a lot of internal "new" that won't ever be seen but has made the house solid and energy efficient for years to come.

It has been a long process, but with perspective so much has been accomplished. It's kind of like being in intermission waiting for the curtain to go up. It will be well worth the wait!

Post sale.

by the Artist

I just walked out to the cabinet shop. The Carpenter and one of our guys is masking windows to paint for our Modern Farmhouse Project. This is phase two of "get those windows painted!". Unfortunately Marvin Windows does not factory paint any color but white. We need black. I don't understand why a company that large would not be set up to paint at least a few popular colors. 

It is labor intensive to prep to paint. All the hardware must be removed and kept carefully together. The actual painting doesn't take long. It's the prep that kills you.

And speaking of prep. We have just come off of our first "A Painted Apple" sale. It was an extraordinary amount of prep. It consumed me for many weeks. I had some friends and family help. One friend came last week a couple of days and gave it her all. Her support and her dog Dudley helped lighten the load. 

The start of the sale day was overwhelming. I consider myself to be an organized person. I wasn't organized enough. But it was the best I could do. I gave it my all. I have never even had a garage sale. I did not know what I was attempting to do. The Carpenter came through big time for me with all the painting he did. The sale would not have happened without his help. I'd still be out in the shop chasing drips!

I said I did not know what I was attempting to do. I thought you could put a bunch of colorful furniture out on your driveway and it would be snatched up! People would be coming in droves. I'm not sure where the people were. Maybe it was a too beautiful outside. I saw many boats and campers drive by. Here in Minnesota on a gorgeous spring day Minnesotans play hard. I didn't get enough signage out. Maybe my prices were too high. Maybe I didn't have enough balloons. And there's another story.. my first time ever buying balloons! I had no idea balloons were so popular. And scary to get to the car.

The best part of the day.. a couple of neighbors stopped by. One we had never met before and one we haven't seen in awhile. It was good to connect. We live on big properties where it's easy to never see a neighbor. A dear older couple we have done work for stopped by and bought a piece! Also I followed through on what I started. I finished. I painted, distressed and waxed through that pile of furniture that had been sitting out in the shop for three years. I did not quit. Hooray for me! Maybe someone can bring me a balloon to celebrate.. ;)

So now what? We regroup, and gather our thoughts. I'm going to put some of my favorite pieces on "The Painted Apple" page on this website to sell locally. And I'm going to learn from this experience. And get some sleep. yep.. that sounds like a good plan.


The best things.

by the Artist

It's beautiful outside. Breathtakingly so. Not a cloud, bluebird skies, flowering trees.

We started the Modern Farmhouse Project in February. The site had to be cleared of snow, the winds blew bitter off the lake. It was brutal at times. Today is the crew's reward for making it through that harsh start because it is already 85 degrees! I'm sure they will head home to start their weekends with some nice sunburn!

I stopped at the project yesterday and took some photos of the progress. They are rebuilding the entire lakeside of the home to meet engineering specifications for the new windows/doors that are going to be installed. In preparation for that, they had to build temporary walls to shut off the interior of the home from the exterior. To protect the home from the elements and for safety. I have not seen this done in any of our past projects (doesn't mean it hasn't been done I just haven't seen it). Amazing.

I feel for the homeowners who are shut off from their beautiful lake views from inside their home. Wow. It I'm sure would be easier if it was the dead of winter when the frozen lake looks quite inhospitable. When the winds are blowing the white around and around. But I am sure they know the sacrifice of living in a construction zone will be well worth it when it is all said and done, and they have gorgeous windows and doors to enjoy their beautiful lake vista.

I remember years ago when the Carpenter and I gutted our current home. It was dreadful. It was filthy. Old house dirt and debris. I had to keep an image in my head of the end product. I saw myself walking up to the front porch, a welcoming light was on, the porch was all white and very clean. Honestly that image got me through and helped me to keep going when it seemed like the renovation process would never end. And we've since enjoyed our little front porch ever since. It is still my favorite place to hang out!

Most times the best things take the most work. Very true here.

Burning the midnight oil.

by the Artist

The cabinet shop (where I work on my painted furniture in preparation for my May 7th sale) is off limits right now. The Carpenter has a massive window painting project going. All of the work tables are being used. Including "my" table. My furniture is covered up and not easy to get to. So I wait. And I watch.

It's been intense prep for the new windows for the Modern Farmhouse Project. He is using a paint sprayer. It works great, once everything is masked off. Then it's almost like flying with a tailwind. 

So he's back to long work days right now. During the day he runs many errands, spends time project managing at the job site, and meets with potential customers in the evening (so far two meetings this week). We're also running an ad for a new carpenter so he's handling those contacts. He ends his days in the shop painting till very late. He has a plan for painting the windows here and then transporting them as they are needed to the project. This will ensure they stay nice and safe. ...

(I started this post last night with intention to finish this morning. The Carpenter told me he wrote a post late last evening came into my email at 1:50 AM! It made me smile as I read it. We wrote about the exact same subjects between this post and the previous! Great minds and married a long time people do think alike!)

from the Carpenter....

Better late then never! To all those wonderful birthday wishes from you that sent them, I say a big thank you! I really just checked in to the Facebook page right now and saw them. Good thing the Artist has a FB presence because I don’t. So again, thanks, oh and remember…Bobs your Uncle! (He’s my “Unca” too)

We continue to be as busy as we have been in a long time. Still trying to balance the employee search thing. We will see what happens. In the mean time, one of my guys is still on vacation enjoying the Arizona sun, another is getting ready to get married in 3 weeks. Man, my nephew getting married….The Artist told me I was getting old earlier tonight, I guess so, but I just finished another 16 hour day. Can an old guy do that? No way!

Yep, I’m in the shop late again. We are painting all the windows for the Modern Farmhouse Project ahead of time. It is very involved to do it correctly. We have stripped off all the hardware and weather stripping that is removable. Then we masked off with tape and masking paper. Monday night I was out there till 2am, tonight 1am. Its one of those things that when you get in the zone, its hard to stop and the hours slip by and before you know it it gets late. It’s a good thing my shop is now on the property where we live. Many years ago when we had our full time cabinetmaking and furniture building business, along with the remodeling, many many nights I would be there till midnight or later and then have to drive home about 18 miles. Not fun. Now I can just walk about 40 feet to the back door.

Tonight when I wrapped up, I went to the back yard and sat on a rock wall. Even though it was dark, I could still see out into our marsh. I just sat for a few minutes taking it in. Even in winter, well almost spring now, the marsh is alive. Geese were honking on the pond island; there were a couple of coyotes out there yipping at something, and two rabbits jumped out of the pile of firewood that is waiting for me to split. I have spent hours and hours over the last 18 years just enjoying what God has given us in the beautiful property we own. Its an acre and a half of work at times, but an acre and a half of "Heaven on Earth" most of the time.

Do you know what "Peepers" are? I can’t wait to announce to the Artist some night coming up very soon….The peepers are back! You will have to ask her, and I guarantee when you do, she will smile.

The Artist... I wrote about "Peepers" in the previous post. :)